<-- Select a race -->
1 Mile Bay Challenge
12 Hours of Cranky Monkey
24 Hours of Big Bear
24 hours of booty
3Sports Long Course Duathlon
3Sports Sprint Triathlon
5430 Long Course Triathlon
5K Run/Walk for the Whisper
AACC Spring Triathlon
Abebe Bikila Day Half Marathon
Abebe Bikile Day Half Marathon
ACE Canyon Off-Road Triathlon
Acumen Solutions Jingle All The Way 10K
Air Force Half Marathon
Alcatraz Challenge
Alcatri - Escape from the Rock
Alexandria Turkey Trot
Alexandria Turkey Trot 5 Miler
American Cancer Society (Salisbury) Sprint
American Cancer Society Relay for Life
Amica Boston
Angel Kisses 5K
Angels Race Sprint Triathlon
Annapolis 10 Mile Run
Annapolis Half Marathon
Anthracite Triathlon
Arlington 9/11 Memorial 5k
Armed Forces Triathlon Championship
Army 10 Miler
Ashburn Farm 10K
Ashburn Farm 5K
Ashburn Village 10K/5K/Fun Run
Assateague Assault Triathlon
Atlanta Half Marathon
Atlantic City Marathon
Autism Speaks Triathlon
B & A Trail Half Marathon
B&A Trail Marathon
Bachman Valley 1/2marathon
Backyard Burn - Fountainhead (Fall, 10 mile)
Backyard Burn - Fountainhead (Fall, 5 mile)
Backyard Burn - Fountainhead (Spring, 5 mile)
Backyard Burn - Hemlock Overlook (Fall, 10 mile)
Backyard Burn - Hemlock Overlook (Fall, 5 mile)
Backyard Burn - Hemlock Overlook (Spring, 10 mile)
Backyard Burn - Hemlock Overlook (Spring, 5 mile)
Backyard Burn - Prince William Forest Park (Fall, 10 mile)
Backyard Burn - Prince William Forest Park (Fall, 5 mile)
Backyard Burn - Prince William Forest Park (Spring, 5 mile)
Backyard Burn - Wakefield (Fall, 10 mile)
Backyard Burn - Wakefield (Fall, 5 mile)
Backyard Burn - Wakefield (Spring - 5 mile)
Backyard Burn - Wakefield (Spring, 10 mile)
Bald Eagle Megatransect
Baltimore Half Marathon
Baltimore Marathon
Baltimore Marathon Relay Team
Bank of America Gasparilla Distance Classic
Bank of Bermuda Triathlon
Barclays North Ironman 70.3
Barrington YMCA Triathlon
Bath County Triathlon
Bay Country Century
Beach 2 Battleship
Beach2Battleship Iron Distance
Bel Monte Endurance Run
Belle Haven 1/2 Marathon
Bethesda Turkey Chase
Big Lick Triathlon
Big Sur Marathon
Bighorn Trail 100 Mile Endurance Run
Bike DC
Bike Jam / Kelly cup
BikeJam / Kelly Cup
Black Bear Triathlon
Blackwater Traverse
Blood Sweat and Gears
Blue Ridge Extreme
Bluemont Vineyard 951 5K
Bolt for Babies 5K
Boston Marathon
Bottle & Cork 10 Miler
Brandywine Duathlon
BRATS Salute to the Military Triathlon
Breezy Point
Brierman Half Lite 50
Brierman Sprint
Broadlands 5K
Bronx Duathlon
Buckner Mission Man
Bull Run 50 Miler
Bull Run's Festival of Lights 5k
Bunny Hop
By George Races
California Half Ironman
California International Marathon
Canadian Ski Marathon
CanRun 5K
Cape Henlopen Duathlon
Cape Henlopen Triathlon
Cape Henry Duathlon
Cape Henry Running Festival 5K
Cape May Diamond Swim-Run
Cape May Triathlon
Capital of Texas Triathlon
Capital One Toucan 10K
Capitol 'Cross Classic
Capitol 20 miler
Capitol HIll Classic 10K
Capitol One 8K
Capon Valley 50k
Carl Dolan Memorial
Cascade Crest 100
Cascade Lake Triathlon/Duathlon
Cascades 10K
Casper Half Marathon
Celebration Sprint
Character Counts 6 Pillars Ride - Eagleman Course
Charleston Sprint Series #3
Charlotte Marathon
Charlottesville 8k Road Race
Charlottesville Half Marathon
Charlottesville International Triathlon
Charlottesville Off-Road Triathlon
Charlottesville Sprint Triathlon
Charlottesville Triathlon
Cheat Mountain Moonshine Madness
Chemis-Tree 5k
Cherry Blossom 10 Miler
Cherry Blossom 5k
Chesapeake Bay Asthma Ride
Chesapeake Endurance Triathlon
Chesapeakeman Aqua Velo
Chesapeakeman Aquavelo
Chicago Marathon
Chicago Triathlon
Chocolate Mile
Christmas Caper
Christmas Caper Races
Civil War Century
Clifton Caboose Twighlight Run
Cloud Snapple Half Marathon
Cold Toes Crit
Colonial Beach Sprint Triathlon
Colonial Beach Triathlon
Colonial Half Marathon
Colonies Zone Short Course Champs
Columbia Triathlon
Cooper River Bridge Run
Country Music Half Marathon
Country Music Marathon
Cranberry Crawl Races
Cross County Trail Fatass 50K
CSC Invitational
Culpeper International Triathlon
Culpeper Triathlon
Cure Autism Now Triathlon / Duathlon
Custis/Hospice 12K
Dad's Day 5K
Dallas White Rock Marathon
Dan Fiduccia Spring Biathlon
Daniel Island 5k
Danskin Tri
Dare 2 Run 5K
Dasani Half Marathon
DC to DC
DCRR 20 Miler
DCRRC Burke Lake 12K
Deep Blue TT
Delaware Marathon
Dewey Beach Tri
Dextro Energy Triathlon ITU World Championship Series
Diamond In The Rough
Diamond in the Rough Triathlon
Diamondman Triathlon
Disney 1/2 Ironman
Disney Half Ironman
Dog Days of Summer Tri at Broadlands
Dragonfly Sprint Triathlon
Dragonfly Triathlon
Duke Blue Devil
Duke City
Duke Half Ironman
Eagleman Aquabike
Easter Classic Races
Easy Street Half Marathon
Escape from Alcatraz
Escape From Fort Delaware
Esprit - Half Ironman
Esprit Triathlon
EX2 Off-Road Half Marathon
EX2 Off-Road Triathlon
Fair Lakes 8K
Fairfax Four
Fall Church Creek TT - MABRA Senior TT Championship
Fall into Winter 10K
Fall Into Winter 8K
Falmouth Sprint
Fat Dog 70
Fiesta 5K
Fifth Third River Bank Run
Fiorucci VA State Senior Time Trial Championships
Fit Families Running Festival 5K
Five Boro Bike Tour
Flannery Duathlon at Sugarloaf
FloraBama Mullet Man
Florida Half Ironman
Florida's Great Escape Triathlon
Flying Pig Marathon
Fort Collins Half Marathon
Fort Collins Marathon
Fort Ritchie Criterium
Fort Ritchie Triathlon
Fox Run Duathlon
Frederick Marathon
Freescale Marathon
Friends of the W&OD 10K
Garrett County Grand Fondo
Gay Games VII
Gazelle Sports Gobble Wobble
General Smallwood Sprint Triathlon
General Smallwood Triathlon
George Washington Birthday 10K
George Washington Birthday Marathon
George Washington Classic 10k
Georgetown Classic 8K
Giant Acorn
Giant Acorn International
Giant Acorn Triathlon
Girls on the Run 5k
Giro de Coppi
Gloucester Sprint Tri
GMU Victims' Rights 5k
Go Fourth Race
Goblin Gallup 5K
Goose Day 5k
GOTR Daisy Dash 5K
Grand Fondo - Fabulous 50
Greasy-Gooney 10K
Great allegheny 15k
Great Chesapeake Bay Swim
Great Eastern Endurance Run 100K
Great Eastern Endurance Run 50K
Great Floridian Half Ironman
Great Floridian Iron-Distance
Greater Cleveland Triathlon
Greater Hartford Triathlon
Greeting of the Geese
Greeting of the Geese Duathlon
Gulf Coast Triathlon
GW Parkway 10 Miler
GW Parkway Classic
Hagerstown Criterium
Half Iron Champs
Hellgate 100K
Herndon 10k
Herndon Turkey Trot
Hickory Knob
Hickory Knob Triathlon
Highlands Sky 40 Miler
Hilton Head Half Marathon
Hinte-Anderson Trail Run
Holiday Lake 50K++
Honu Half Ironman
Howard County Festival
International Pattaya Half Marathon
Iron Girl Columbia
Ironman 70.3 Rhode Island
IRONMAN 70.3 San Juan
Ironman Arizona
Ironman Austria
Ironman Brazil
Ironman California 70.3
Ironman Canada
Ironman Cancun 70.3
Ironman Coeur d'Alene
Ironman Cozumel
Ironman Florida
Ironman France
Ironman Louisville
Ironman Monaco 70.3
Ironman South Africa
Ironman St. George
Ironman Switzerland
Ironman UK
Ironman USA
Ironman Utah
Ironman Wisconsin
Ironman World Championship
Ironman World Championship 70.3
Ironman World Championships 70.3
ITU World Championship - Long Course Duathlon
ITU World Championship - Long Course Triathlon
ITU World Championship - Olympic Distance
ITU World Championship - Short-course Duathlon
J.F. Hurley
J.F. Hurley YMCA F1 Triathlon
Jack King One Mile Ocean Swim
Jack King One Mile Ocean Swim 2008
Jaguar 5K
Jefferson Cup
Jersey Double Century
JFK 50 Mile
Jim McDonnell 1 Mile Lake Swim
Jim McDonnell 2 Mile Lake Swim
Jim McDonnell Lake Swim Clinic
Jingle All the Way 10K
Jones Beach Triathlon
Jug Bay 10K
Justice - Columbia Masonic Lodge #3 Veteran's Day 10K
Kailee's Run
Kelly Cup
Kelly Cup/Bike Jam
Kiawah Island Half Marathon
Kinetic Half
Kinetic Half IM Aquabike
Kinetic Quarter
Kinetic Sprint
Knights of Columbus 5K (Springfield Council)
Knights of Columbus 5K (St Leo the Great)
Kona Marathon
Kure Beach Double Sprint Tri
L'Etape du Tour
La Ville es Nonais 12k
Lake Anna Odyssey Half Iron
Lake Montclair Swim
Lake Montclair Triathlon
Lake Montclair Triathlon (Olympic)
Lake Placid Triathlon
Lander Half Marathon
Las Vegas Triathlon
Laugavegur Ultra Marathon
LAWS 1/2 Marathon
Leadville Trail 100 Miler
Leesburg 10k
Leesburg 20 K
Lehigh Valley Half Marathon
Liberty to Liberty
LifeTime Fitness Reindeer Run 5K
Lifetime Fitness Sprint Triathlon
Lifetime Fitness Triathlon
Little Pepper
Littleton Appleman Triathlon
Liz Hartwell Memorial 5K
Loose Cannon 5k
Losing to Live 5K
Lost Dutchman Marathon
Lower Potomac River Marathon
Lums Pond Duathlon
Lums Pond Triathlon
Luray International Triathlon
Luray Sprint Triathlon
Lynchburg Half Marathon
Make-A-Wish Sea Colony Triathlon
Manassas Mini Tri
Mantua ES 1 Mile
Mantua Raccoon Run 5k
Mardi Gras Marathon
Marilyn Lathom "Homegrown" Triathlon
Marine Corps Marathon
Marine Corps Marathon 10k
Marine Mud Run (5K)
Mason Veterans Day 10K
Masonic Veterans Day 10K
Massanutten Mountain Trail 100 Mile Run
McDonald's X-Country Festival at Maymont
MedExpress Mountaineer Triathlon
Medfield Day 5K
Metrolina AIDS Project Triathlon
Miami International Triathlon
MightyMan Half
Moab Red Hot! (55km)
Mohican Pineman
Monster Mash Mountain Bike Race
Montauk Century
Montclair Triathlon
Mountains Of Misery
MS 150 Bike to the Bay
MS Bike Ride
Mt Penn Mudfest
Muddy Buddy Ride and Run - Richmond
Musselman Triathlon
Myrtle Beach 1/2 Marathon
Myrtle Beach Marathon
Myrtle Beach Ocean Swim
Mystery Ranch 50k
Nanticoke River Swim and Triathlon
Nanticoke Three Mile Swim and Triathlon
Napa Valley Marathon
National Half-Marathon
National Marathon
National Race for the Cure
Navy Federal 5K
Neptune Festival 8K
New Jersey Devilman
New Jersey Devilman Half Lite
New Jersey State Triathlon
New Orleans Rebirth
New York City Marathon
New York City Triathlon
Nissan Xterra East Championship
Nissan Xterra Sport Richmond
Nissan Xterra USA Championship
North East Triathlon
North Face Endurance Challenge
Nova Mountain Bike Duathlon
NYC Central Park Triathlon
OBX Marathon
Ocala Marathon
Ocean City Triathlon
Odgen Valley Triathlon
Odyssey Half Iron Triathlon
Odyssey Off Road Xtreme Triathlon
Odyssey Off-Road Duathlon
Odyssey Off-Road Half Iron Triathlon
Odyssey Off-Road Iron Triathlon
Odyssey Off-Road Triathlon
Odyssey Trail Half Marathon
On Eagles Wings 10K
Osprey Sprint Triathlon
Outback Big Lick Triathlon
Outerbanks Triathlon
Over The Mountain
Oxford International Triathlon
P.F. Chang's Rock 'n' Roll Arizona
Parks Half Marathon
Patrick Henry Half Marathon
Patrick Henry Half-Marathon
Patriot Sprint
Patriot's Cup Corporate Challange
Patriot's Half
Patriots International
Paul VI Runfest
Philadelphia 8K
Philadelphia Distance Run
Philadelphia Insurance Triathlon
Philadelphia Marathon
Philadelphia Women's Triahtlon
Pikes Peeke 10K
Pinehurst Triathlon
Pittsburgh Triathlon & Adventure Race
Plaza America 5K
Pocomoke Triathlon
Point Lookout Duathlon
Potomac River Run Half
Potomac Valley Games
Potomac Valley Games - 5K
Pound, Pedal & Pant-Spring
Pound, Pedal & Pant-Summer
Predictions & Resolutions 5K
Press Run 5K
Prince William Forest Park (Spring, 5 mile)
Promise Land 50K
Prospect Park Duathlon
Prospect Park Fall Duathlon
PSU Harrisburg Criterium
PVTC 5K Track Run, RW, and Throws Meet
PVTC By George 10K
PWBA Alexandria Turkey Trot
Quantico Down & Dirty Cross Country 8K
Quantico Half Marathon
Quantico Semper Fit 15K Loop Run
Quantico Turkey Trot 5 Miler
Quelle Challenge Roth
Race for the Cure (DC)
Race for the Cure 5K
Raider Run 5K
Red Ribbon Run 5k
Red Rocks Marathon
Reston 10 Miler
Reston 5k
Reston Century
Reston Grand Prix
Reston Great Pumkin 5K
Reston Half Metric Century
Reston Metric Century
Reston Runners Womens Distance Festival
Reston Sprint Triathlon
Reston Triathlon
Rethymno Enduro Triathlon
Revolution3 Cedar Point Half Rev
RFK Criterium
Richmond Marathon
Ride Sally ride
Ringing in Hope 10K
Riverwatch Duathlon
Riverwatch Triathlon
Road Runners 1/2 Marathon
Rock and Roll Half Marathon - Va Beach
Rockville Rotary Twilight 8K
Rocky Raccoon 100 Mile Trail Run
Rocky Raccoon 50 Mile Trail Race
Rosner Shamrock 5K Run
Rotary Resolution 10K
Round Robinson 5K
Rudolph's Red Nose 10k
Rumpass in Bumpass Internation
Rumpass in Bumpass Sprint
Run For It
Run for Julia 5K
Run for Leslie 5K
Run For the Arts
Run/Walk for the Whisper
Runners World 1/2 Marathon
Salisbury Sprint Triathlon
Sallie Mae 10k
San Fransico Marathon
San Jose International Triathlion
Sandman Triathlon
Sea Gull Century
Setup Championship Invitational Triathlon
Shamrock Half Marathon
Shamrock Marathon
Shenandoah Mountain 100
Shenandoah Valley Sprint
Sherando Lake Sprint
Silverman Iron Distance
Skinnyman Tri
Skylands Duathlon
Smith Mountain Lake Triathlon
Smithfield Sprint Triathlon
Soma Half
Soma Half Ironman
Son of Spud Triathlon
South Carolina Half-Ironman
South Riding Triathlon
Special Operations Force Academy
Spirit of Morgantown Half
Spirit of Morgantown Olympic
Spotsylvania Ambulance Run 20 miler
Spud Long Triathlon
Spud Short Triathlon
St Louis Half Marathon
St. Anthony's Triathlon
St. Croix Ironman 70.3
St. Leo's 5k
St. Patrick's Day 10K (DC)
St. Patrick's Day 8k (DC)
Stacy Taylor
Star Kids 8K
Steamtown Marathon
Steelhead Triathlon
Stonewall Jackson 5k
Stonewall Jackson Tri
Stride for Success 5K
Subaru 24-hour Champion Challenge
Summer Strides 5K
Summer Super Sprint
Sunset Sprint Triathlon
Surf & Turf Triathlon
Swim for Life
Syn-Fit Criterium
Taylor Love Triathlon
Terrapin 1000/1650
Terrapin 800/1500
Thailand Temple Run
The 14.06 Triathlon
The 18 Hour - "Scouts Honor"
The Nation's Triathlon (TNT)
The Southern Maryland Century
This Race Is For The Birds!
Thundergust Triathlon
Tidal Basin 3K
Tidal Basin 3K - special Juneteenth edition
Tim Harmon 5k
Timberman Half Ironman
Timberman Ironman 70.3
Timberman Sprint
To The Point (Half IM)
To The Point Triathlon
Total 200
Tour De Cure
Tour de Cure (VA)
Tour de Skyline Day 1
Tour de Skyline Day 2
Tour of Walkerville
Toyota US Open Dallas Triathlon
Trade Zone Training Series #1
Trade Zone Training Series #2
Trade Zone Training Series #3
Trade Zone Training Series #4
Trade Zone Training Series #5
Trek for Trash
Tri On The Hill
Tri-America Hampton (Sprint)
Tri-Forces Triathlon
Tri-Itâ„¢ Triathlon
TriAmerica Sprint Triathlon - Louisville
TriColumbia Howard Life Festival Metric Century
Triple Crown Races
TriState Triathlon
Tropical Splash (SCY)
Try Andy's Tri
Tucson Marathon
Tupper Lake Tinman
Tupper Lake Tinman Sprint
Turkey Day
Turkey Trot for Hunger
Twilight Festival Four Miler
Twin Cities Marathon
Tybee Island Half Marathon
Tysons Corner Circuit Race
Ukrop's Monument Run
United We Stand 10K
USAF Half Marathon
USAT National Age Group Championship
USATF National Masters Indoor T&F Championships
USMS 1 Mile Open Water National Championship
VA Run Turkey Trot 5K
VA Runner Blue & Gray Half-Marathon
Valdese Triathlon
Van Metre 5 Mile Run
VentureQuest Adventure Race
Veterans Day 10K - Capital Running Company
VHTRC Fat Ass 50 km
Victory Nissan Sprint
Vienna Elementary 5K
Vienna Turkey Trot 5K
Vineman Full
Vineman Full Aquabike
Vineman Half
Virginia Double Iron Triathlon
Virginia Duathlon
Virginia Run Sprint Triathlon
W&OD Trail 5k
Walk for Autism 5K Race
Walt Disney World Marathon
Washington DC Marathon
Washington DC Triathlon
We've Got Your Back 4-Mile
West Point Triathlon
Westchester Triathlon
Western Maryland Half Marathon
Where's Waldo 100k
Whirpool Steelhead 70.3 Triathlon
White Lake 1/2 Ironman
White Lake Half Ironman
White Lake Sprint Tri
Wildflower Half Ironman
Wilkes-Barre Triathlon
Wilmington Family YMCA Triathlon
Wine Country Half Marathon
Winter Endurance Challenge - Duathlon
Wintergreen Ascent Time Trial
Wolf Trap's Run for the Arts
Wombat Challenge -- Tour of Scandinavia
Women's Half Marathon Trail Run
World Military Triathlon Championship
Worldgate Sport&Health Spint Tri
Worlgate - Race for Taylor Love
Xterra UK
YMCA Bethesda-Chevy Chase Turkey Chase 10K
Yorktown Sprint
Yorktown Triathlon
Yuengling Shamrock Marathon - Half Marathon
ZOOMA Women's Race
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General Race Information
Cloud Snapple Half Marathon
Carderock, MD
Run - Half Marathon
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Jose Torres
(View Report)
great race, great course
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Charles Barnes
(View Report)
Snowy, cold run along C&O. Brrr.
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