Race Result
Racer: |
Jose Torres |
Race: |
Prospect Park Duathlon |
Date: |
Sunday, November 13, 2011 |
Location: |
Brooklyn, NY |
Race Type: |
Duathlon - International Distance |
Age Group: |
Male 35 - 39 |
Time: |
1:35:38 |
Overall Place: |
23 / 118 |
Age Group Place: |
3 / 23 |
Comment: |
From 1:52 to 1:35 in twelve months, 3rd Age Group |
Race Report:
As a Triathlete we all do it, you know, you invite friends and family to participate in a triathlon, just to hear them say NO. (That is, if they are sober) Well I found out my ratio is about 50/1. Two weeks before this race I invited number 50, a cousin I had not seen in over 15 years but had chatted with on Facebook. But to my SHOCK, he said yes. I was totally bluffing; I had no business doing this race, I was already scheduled for a 13.1 the following weekend. But now I had to be a good host to this newbie. Now I must say, discussing the race, getting him ready and seeing him there the day of the race was one of the most fulfilling moments of my triathlon career so far. He was so excited and so was I. Long story short he did fantastic and is self proclaimed HOOKED!
As for me, this is the first race I ever competed in EVER. My first race was November 2010, exactly 12 months ago. I finished the course in a proud 1:52. After some winter training I did the course again this past March 2011 and finished in 1:43. Both time I finished in the middle of the pack O/A and A/G.
But after 12 months of training and about 25 lbs weight loss I finally broke the top 25 and placed in my A/G. OHH, I also earned my first trophy, anyone who knows me, knows that I would have taken a 2 inch A/G trophy over a 40 inch flat screen TV. So this was exciting, the only problem, the preliminary results had me 4th and I left, now I'm trying to get my award mailed to me. So here are some race details;
Start: after a nice 10 minute warm up run with my cousin, we lined up for the start. Traditionally this run course is tough, it has a lot of short steep inclines and 1 long hill. I started a little back in the pack so I had to zig zag to find some open space. Nice change to the course this time, they put the big hill within mile one vs. mile 3, this made it easier with fresh legs to run strong up the hill, it also thins out the pack real quick. The new run course was also long, my GPS had it at 3.29 into T1, and I also spoke with some others with GPS that confirmed this. Given the topography I was satisfied with my pace. I had some water on the course and a GEL before the run started. 1st 5K - 25:11 (7:39 pace, 43/118) T1 - 1:03 (25/118)
Bike: The bike course is 4 laps around Prospect Park. I made the same mistake this time as I did in March; I'm working the bike as hard as I could, but for some reason could not catch the folks in front of me. Finally I look down and notice I'm in the small ring, HELLO. So I gear up and start taking down some of the 43 people who hit the bike course before me. I was only passed once by Snapple's own Greg Close who also won the race. (I'm OK with that, for now) I kept my effort and cadence constant, I did not push it at all. I arrived in T2 refreshed and ready for the last 5K. I did not consume any calories on the bike, just water. Bike 14 miles - 40:20 (20.85 MPH, 18/118) T2 - :59 (21/118)
Final 5K: I hit the run course at 1:07 I wanted to finish in 1:32. So I was feeling good. 3 people passed me on the run, I was sure one of them was in my AG, but I could not respond to his pace. The other was defiantly older than me, so that did not bother me. This was the first time the big hill did not make me walk a little. With about 400 yards to go I was passed by the third person. I was not sure if he was in my AG so I had to hold onto him. I knew if I was in the 1:30's I could place. I was not going to give up a AG award without a fight. So at 200 yards I told my legs to go get him, but nothing happened. So I hit the turbo button again and again nothing. Finally I recalled my practice runs listening to that song "Lose Yourself" and hit the button one last time, by now we were already within the chute into the finish line. I did catch Mr. Discovery Channel and finished 2 second in front of him. It turns out he ran the last 5K 2 minutes faster than me and was 10 years younger, but it sure was exciting to take back my OA place. 2nd 5K - 28:08 (8:38 pace, 48/118)
Final 1:35:38, this was 8 minutes better than my race in March and 17 minutes better than 12 month earlier. Losing 25 lbs really helps and my coach Claudia Cortes has really helped me with my run pace and bike energy management.
I also had the opportunity to meet Snapple’s Greg Close, whose race reports I read on a regular basis. He’s a nice guy, good race report writer, oh and a hell of a Triathlete.
This was my 11 race of 2011 and officially my last. I know I said that 2 races ago, but I mean it this time. I already took the aero bars of my bike. But I can't wait until 2012.